Before the start of 2021-2022 academic year, August consultations were held in Armavir and Ararat Regions with the participation of the directors of the General Education Establishments, which were attended by the RA MoESCS Deputy Minister Zhanna Andreasyan and heads of various subdivisions of the Ministry of Health.
Issues related to the amendments of legal acts regulating the field of general education and the implementation of the current activities of the new academic year were discussed with RA MoESCS Deputy Minister. The participants also discussed the preparations for teacher certification and the training process.
Additionally, touching upon the fact that in 2021 Ararat Region is passing to general inclusive education, the director of the RPPC A. Svajyan introduced the participants the “For You” NGO, which provides regional level pedagogical and psychological support services.
RPPC director also spoke about the key approaches to the transition to general inclusive education and the ways of school level assessment and organizing pedagogical-psychological support, presented the September training schedules for all teachers and specialists of Ararat RPPSC.
Issues related to inclusive education in the secondary schools of Armavir Region were also discussed during the consultation.
Source: Official Facebook page RA Armavir Regional Administration