We continue the series of webinars conducted in collaboration with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and the Perkins School for the Blind organization.
We present to you the 18th webinar.
The speakers are experts from the “Perkins International” organization Martina Celizić, Andrea Paulik, and Senada Jagar.
The aim of the Webinar is to introduce the terms related to sensory learning, including sensory stimulation, sensory processing, sensory integration, and sensorimotor learning, by addressing these processes in detail.
The speakers will present how to incorporate important goals of the initial stage of sensorimotor development into daily repetitive activities to ensure sensory learning outcomes and increase social accessibility.
The webinar will take place on February 20, 2025, at 20:00
Follow the link: https://forms.gle/fwn7ecYXiGxaMfeo8 to preregister by February 15, 6:00 p.m.
The number of registrations is limited.
Participation in the Webinar is free of charge.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the best practices shared by international partners, with Armenian interpretation.
Febriary 13, 2024 | JOIN THE “MIASIN” TEAM
Apply to become a member of “MIASIN” team. It’s free.
We are happy to welcome everyone, who:
- ✦ loves theater
- ✦ wants to discover new talents in themselves
- ✦ wants to overcome the fears and difficulties of socializing
- ✦ wants to communicate and cooperate with peers
- ✦ wants to fill his/her day with new emotions
- ✦ wants to spend interesting time discovering the amazing world of theater art.
“MIASIN” (Together) inclusive theater of the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center is already about two years old. During these years they performed a number of performances: “Stronger than it seems”, “Christmas tree”, “Peaceful childhood”, “The journey of the Water Lily”.
We want to emphasize, that the young actors of the “MIASIN” theater have many achievements in other areas of life as well. Drama therapy has a positive effect on children’s opportunities for self-expression, it helps them to achieve success outside of art.
The director is Marine Asatryan. She is a drama therapist, who uses her many years of experience to reveal the children’s creativity and to help them fully involve in public life.
The theater has effective experience of staging the performances in Yerevan and regions as well.
For details: 095 52 16 95
Want more? Check the link to find out more about “MIASIN” theater: “MIASIN” THEATER
We continue the series of webinars conducted in collaboration with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and the Perkins School for the Blind organization.
We present to you the seventeenth webinar.
Speaker: Dražen Viljušić, expert from “Perkins International” organization
The present webinar is about providing a certain sports environment and feeling for children with multiple developmental disabilities and conducting sports games through physiotherapy exercises through corrective, muscle strengthening, stretching, coordination, balance, and flexibility-improving exercises.
The speaker will present the “Maladomiad”, during which games adapted for children with multiple and combined visual impairments, and unique sports-related events are developed and held in a competitive manner, aimed at fulfilling the need of these children to play.
The webinar will take place on January 21, 2025, at 20:00
Follow the link: https://forms.gle/BBWLYaizjvnn7rmR6 to preregister by January 19, 6:00 p.m.
The number of registrations is limited.
Participation in the Webinar is free of charge.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the best practices shared by international partners, with Armenian interpretation.
We continue the series of webinars conducted in collaboration with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and the Perkins School for the Blind organization.
We present to you the sixteenth webinar.
Speaker: Nikolina Mihalić Kocijan, expert from “Perkins International” organization
Our next webinar will focus on the adaptation of materials and the optimization of space, which are important factors for promoting visual functioning. It is aimed at developing and introducing mechanisms for a child or person to maximize their vision in different situations, the impact of the environment, and the implementation of possible changes in the environment to improve an individual’s visual functioning. Participants will be provided with general guidelines for functional communication, orientation, and mobility, for performing various tasks and daily activities.
The webinar will take place on Dectember 17, 2024, at 20:00
Follow the link: https://forms.gle/pMgYJkba6VxctimCA to preregister by Dectember 14, at 16:00
Note, that registration is limited, and participation is free.
So, don’t miss the opportunity to follow the exchange of best practices by international partners in Armenian.
We continue the series of webinars conducted in collaboration with the Republican Pedagogical Psychological Center and the Perkins School for the Blind organization.
We present to you the fifteenth webinar.
Speakers: Nikolina Mihalić Kocijan and Andrea Paulik, experts from “Perkins International” organization
Children with visual impairments have difficulty in perceiving information from their surroundings. As a result of not receiving sufficient visual stimulation from the environment, their visual pathways develop with difficulty. This webinar will focus on visual stimulation and vision exercises, their differences, and the characteristics of each of them. Participants will gain insight into the steps, aims, timelines, and implementation methods for initiating and executing programs, as well as approaches and means that contribute to the development of various visual and cognitive skills, observing the child’s behavior during each intervention.
The Webinar will take place on November 19, 2024, at 8:00 p.m.
To participate, please register in advance by November 16, 6:00 p.m. through the following link:
The number of registrations is limited.
Participation in the Webinar is free of charge.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the best practices shared by international partners, with Armenian interpretation.

The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia is launching the acceptance of applications for the “Best of the Month” competition for November for the 2024-2025 academic year, implemented within the framework of the “Best of the Year” competition.
The Competition is organized and implemented in accordance with the nominations of the “Best of the Year” competition, the definition of the requirements for them, and the procedure for conducting the Competition, approved by Order N 67-N of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia dated September 5, 2024, in the following nominations:
- 1. Best Director of a Public Educational Institution
- 2. Best Deputy Director of a Public Educational Institution
- 3. Best Teacher of a Public Educational Institution
- 4. Best Class Teacher of a Public Educational Institution
- 5. Best Group Leader of a Public Educational Institution
- 6. Best Assistant Teacher of a Public Educational Institution
- 7. Best Psychologist of a Public Educational Institution
- 8. Best Director of a Preschool Educational Institution
- 9. Best Methodologist – Deputy Director for the Academic Affairs of a Preschool Educational Institution
- 10. Best Teacher (Music Teacher, Physical Education Instructor) of a Preschool Educational Institution (including Kindergarten)
- 11. Best Psychologist of TPPSC (or of an Organization Providing Pedagogical-Psychological Support Services Delegated by the State)
- 12. Best Social Educator of TPPSC (or of an Organization Providing Pedagogical-Psychological Support Services Delegated by the State)
- 13. Best Special Educator of TPPSC (or of an Organization Providing Pedagogical-Psychological Support Services Delegated by the State)
The following individuals are eligible to participate in the Competition:
- 1. Director of a Public Educational Institution and Preschool Educational Institution
- 2. Deputy Director of a Public Educational Institution and Preschool Educational Institution
- 3. Pedagogical Workers of a Public Educational Institution and Preschool Educational Institution
- 4. Pedagogical Workers of a Territorial Pedagogical-Psychological Support Center or an Organization Providing Pedagogical-Psychological Support Services Delegated by the State
Participants must submit their competition applications to the authorized body of their institution (Yerevan Municipality, RA Regional Administrations, and in case of submitting to institutions under the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, to the following email address: secretariat@escs.am) by November 15 inclusive, at 6:00 p.m.
For more details, please go through the following link: https://escs.am/am/news/25443
Source: Official website of the RA MoESCS05.11.2024

On November 6, 2024, at 2:30 p.m., a meeting-discussion with parents will take place at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center (Address: Kajaznuni 12, Yerevan).
During the meeting, the “Resource-Classroom” pilot program implemented by the RPPC, as well as other issues will be discussed.
To participate in the meeting, it is necessary to register in advance through the following link: https://forms.gle/YY6k4vmeSpw15mgS6
We look forward to seeing you at our Center.

On October 30-31, 2024, an international conference entitled “CHANGING EDUCATION: CHALLENGES OF INCLUSIVE INCLUSION” will be held at the initiative of the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education of Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan and the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center.
The aim of the Conference is the discussion of theoretical and practical issues related to the latest developments and innovations in the exchange of ideas, best practices, and research outcomes on inclusive education, diversity, equality, and difference, by bringing together scholars, students, leaders, and specialists in the field of special education from different countries.
Date: October 30, at 9։30 a.m.
A. Svajyan, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia, S. Gevorgyan, Rector of Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, G. Hovyan, Dean of the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education of Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, and L. Mnatsakanyan, Director of the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center will deliver speeches at the opening ceremony of the Conference.
On October 30 and 31, the reports will be held in an in-person format at the Armenian State Pedagogical University /address: Tigran Mets 17, Yerevan/.

At the initiative of the Special and Inclusive Education Faculty of the Armenian State Pedagogical University and Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center, the international conference on the “CHANGING EDUCATION: CHALLENGES OF UNIVERSAL INCLUSION” topic will take place.
To participate in this conference, you must preregister:
Submit your report to the organizing committee of the conference: universalinclusion2024@aspu.am
For more information follow the link below:
We continue the series of webinars carried out in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International”. Here is the thirteenth webinar.
Speaker: “Perkins International” expert Jasminka Gagula
The transdisciplinary approach builds experts as professionals who strive to understand the child’s needs with joint knowledge and commitment, taking into account all developmental components. Mutual connection and complementing of experts involved in working with children encourages them to think outside the scope of their primary expertise. The aforementioned webinar will show the experience of a physiotherapist who, in his daily work with other experts, looks for and finds strategies to achieve the child’s developmental progress. The aforementioned webinar is intended for all experts in the field of (re)habilitation of children who are at risk or develop developmental difficulties.
The webinar will take place on October 22, 2024, at 20:00
Follow the link: https://forms.gle/komfKc1MVnPzCKP99 to preregister by October 17, at 16:00
Note, that registration is limited, and participation is free.
So, don’t miss the opportunity to follow the exchange of best practices by international partners in Armenian.
We continue the series of webinars carried out in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International” Perkins School for the Blind. Here is the thirteenth webinar.
Speakers: “Perkins International” experts Diana Korunic and Daniela Kljajic.
Feeding is a daily life activity. This webinar will provide an overview of terms related to feeding, milestones of oral-motor development, the influence of other developmental areas, and some of the strategies for encouraging feeding, eating, and drinking in children with developmental disabilities.
The webinar will take place on September 17, 2024, at 20:00.
To participate, you need to pre-register by 20:00 on September 13 by the following this link:
Note, that registration is limited, and participation is free.
So, don’t miss the opportunity to follow the exchange of best practices by international partners in Armenian.
The RA Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports is organizing a teacher’s conference entitled “EDUCATION – A PILLAR OF THE STATE” on June 1, 2024.
The conference aims to: Highlight the local manifestations of the pedagogical approaches of modern mainstream education, to unite the intellectual potential of the teaching community in the work of implementing the state standard of general education, to bring the content of modern teaching methodology and teaching methods into a unified field, contributing to the progress of effective pedagogical experience.
For the participating teachers the conference provides an opportunity to present to the audience their research works, studies, to develop communication skills, creative thinking, as well as to establish relations with teachers from other schools.
To participate, you need to register: https://forms.gle/QGnK78nWPzg8Tx5L7
The twelfth webinar was held within the framework of cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International” organization Perkins School for the Blind.
Topic: “The motor skill component connection with other developmental components”
The speaker is the expert of “Perkins International” Jelena Špionjak
During this webinar, participants will be provided with an overview of the interconnectedness of developmental components, in particular the impact of motor function on areas such as cognition, sensory function, and communication. The speaker will speak about atypical developmental characteristics, guidelines for a complex approach to early intervention, as well as cases of neurodevelopmental delays, and approaches to overcome them.
The online webinar will take place on April 23, 2024, at 20:00
Follow the link:
https://forms.gle/FwwiNwNkMJbiAufu7 to preregister by April 21, at 18:00
Participation is free.
Don’t miss the chance to get acquainted with the best practices by international partners in Armenian.
From April 3 to 4, at 11:00-16:30
Follow the link:
Two-day international scientific and educational forum “SPECIAL EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY”, organized by the “Pushkin Leningrad State University” by the Institute of Rehabilitation Pedagogy, Center for the Development of Inclusive Education of the Russian Academy of Education. In cooperation with Herzen State Pedagogical University and Cherepovets State University.
The main directions of project sessions are:
- ✦ Inclusive education: results, problems, perspectives
- ✦ Theoretical and usable components of speech therapy in the education system
- ✦ Children with cochlear implants at the intersection of modern medicine, pedagogy and speech therapy
The Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center is also one of the partners.
RPPC director Lilit Mnatsakanyan will make a report on April 4, at 11:40. The topic of the report is “Total inclusive education system in the Republic of Armenia”.
Follow the link to find the agenda of the forum:
Here is the eleventh webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and Perkins School for the Blind.
Topic: “Encouraging movement through everyday routines and activities for children with developmental difficulties”
The speaker is the expert of “Perkins International” Hrvoje Gudlin
This webinar is about movement, combining movements, the environment, and factors that provide a positive influence on them.
So, participants will gain insight into the developmental difficulties that occur in children. They will have the opportunity to study methods and ways of encouraging different body movements by the student’s abilities, they will also watch videos that will allow them to compare the differences in the movement of children with different developmental difficulties, to observe the situations in comparison, which will contribute to the tactics that promote movement in everyday life, habits, and everyday activities.
The online webinar will take place on March 26, 2024, at 20:00
Follow the link:
https://forms.gle/Xgc9D9ok9KNMDjWMA to preregister by March 23, at 18:00
Participation is free.
Don’t miss the chance to get acquainted with the best practices by international partners in Armenian.
Here is the tenth webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and Perkins School for the Blind.
Topic: “Development of gross motor skills in children who are visually impaired”
The speaker is the expert of “Perkins International” Jelena Špionjak
The speaker will present the typical development of gross motor skills, comparing the same processes for children with visual impairment. The participants will gain fundamental insights about the specifics of working with children, starting with the organization of the environment, approaches to developing tasks, taking into account the components of early development, as well as considering different body movements in the general overview of a child’s development.
The online webinar will take place on February 28, 2024, at 20:00.
Follow the link:
https://forms.gle/EdRHW7mFwV8Jab769 to preregister by February 22, at 18:00
Participation is free.
Don’t miss the chance to get acquainted with the best practices by international partners in Armenian.
We invite you to participate in the SERIES OF PARENTING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT COURSES.։
The first meeting will take place on February 7, 2024 at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center at 14:00.
Speakers: RPPC specialist Marina Hovhannisyan and psychologist Anna Hovhannisyan.
During the meetings we will talk about:
️ the characteristics of child development stages
️ ensuring child’s emotional well-being
️ forms of positive parenting
️ the importance of the influence of parents’ interpersonal relationships on child’s mental health
️ about the mental well-being of parents and other issues that may interest them.
Parents who have children with SEN can participate in this courses. The meetings will take place twice a month at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center.
To participate, you need to preregister by the following link: https://forms.gle/CQagH6kWvi6q9NUo7
We are waiting for you to learn, acquire basic and new knowledge as well as to exchange experience.
Here is the 9th webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International”.
The speaker is the expert from “Perkins International” Snježana Seitz
The aim of the webinar is to provide the participants with information about cerebral visual impairment, its causes, possible consequences, including the behavioral features that appear in the case of cerebral visual impairment, as well as the importance of early detection of this problem. The speaker will also speak about her own experience of working with children with cerebral palsy and relevant advice on how to help parents build a visual system that will help the child apply his/her vision in everyday situations.
The webinar will take place on 20.12.2023 at 20:00
To participate, you need to pre-register by 18:00 / 15.12.2023 with the following link:
Participation is free and the number of participants is limited.
So, don’t miss your chance to participate in the exchange of the best experience with our international partners in Armenian.
🗓 January 18 – 19, 2024
🕒 at 15։00-17։00
Psychologists, pedagogues and specialists working with children can participate in two-day seminar organized by RPPC.
The speaker is ARMINE AVAGYAN, RPPC psychologist of the Department of Pedagogical-Psychological Assistance
The participants will discover the basics of fairytale therapy:
- What is “fairytale therapy” technique?
- How is it used in individual and group work?
- What are the classifications of fairy tales?
- How to build a fairy tale plot?
- Mechanisms of psychological analysis of the fairy tale.
Pre-registration is required by following this link: https://forms.gle/6tFjHmL3q4iH8p1UA
Address: 12 Kajaznuni Street, 0070, Yerevan, RA Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center
Don’t miss the chance! We are waiting for you
Here is the 8th webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International”.
The speaker is the expert from “Perkins International” Snježana Seitz
The aim of the webinar is to provide the participants with information about cerebral visual impairment, its causes, possible consequences, including the behavioral features that appear in the case of cerebral visual impairment, as well as the importance of early detection of this problem. The speaker will also speak about her own experience of working with children with cerebral palsy and relevant advice on how to help parents build a visual system that will help the child apply his/her vision in everyday situations.
The webinar will take place on 20.12.2023 at 20:00
To participate, you need to pre-register by 18:00 / 15.12.2023 with the following link:
Participation is free and the number of participants is limited.
So, don’t miss your chance to participate in the exchange of the best experience with our international partners in Armenian.
RA MoESCS is going to organize a workshop named “I AM IMPORTANT” on December 7th – 8th in ASPU.
The aim of the workshop is to inform the officials of the field about the reforms taking place in preschool education, the existing problems and the steps to overcome them, as well as the modern pedagogical approaches.
Follow the link to complete the application: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSd4FBmpu8Wfad…/viewform
Here is the agenda of the workshop: https://escs.am/…/75a18de28e0a1f68f1ba2429c53c5286.docx
Here is the 6th webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International”.
The speaker is the experts from “Perkins International” Snježana Seitz
This webinar is intended for professionals working with children in early developmental age (0-3 years), children with identified risks and/or delays in acquiring developmental milestones.
Through this webinar, participants will gain fundamental insights into what functional vision is and why it is important in early childhood. Moreover, they will acquire basic knowledge about important visual developmental milestones and early detection of risks that can lead to visual impairments as well.
The webinar will take place on 14.11.2023 at 20:00
To participate, you need to pre-register by 18:00 / 09.11.2023 with the following link:
Participation is free and the number of participants is limited.
So, don’t miss your chance to participate in the exchange of the best experience with our international partners in Armenian.
Training courses for teachers and specialists of pedagogical-psychological support teams will be held at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center.
Let’s become both an actor and audience with the game exercise “A CHILD’S FIRST STEP TO THE THEATER”. Drama therapy will help you to understand better, recognize, and discover your creative nature, the child living inside you, to love and appreciate your existence. Moreover, the games and exercises will help you acquire a number of skills to overcome challenges and achieve success.
The training course is conducted by the head of the “MIASIN” theater troupe Marine Asatryan․
Teachers will have the opportunity to help children to:
- ✦ Express themselves
- ✦ Recognize their emotions
- ✦ To search and find solutions to overcome different challenges together
- ✦ Develop cooperation and communication skills
- ✦ Promote positive behavior changes
- ✦ Improve interpersonal relationship-building skills
- ✦ Integrate physical and emotional well-being
- ✦ Achieve personal growth and self-esteem
- ✦ To improve the general quality of schooling and social life.
Dear teachers, on October 31st, at 15:00 come to Kajaznuni 12, Yerevan with your childhood toy or photo.
Seats are limited. The following link requires pre-registration:
Don’t miss your chance to take advantage of the exclusive opportunity to discover the possibilities of drama therapy.
Here is the 6th webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International”.
The speakers are the experts from “Perkins International” Martina Celizić and Nikolina Juric Tanfara
To ensure the effectiveness of the learning process, the activity in which the child is involved must correspond to the age and individual characteristics of child’s development. So, the goal of this webinar is to present the steps aimed at creating an educational program based on these features, the correct combination and sequence of which ensure its continuity and effectiveness.
The webinar will take place on 12.10.2023 at 20:00
To participate, you need to pre-register by 18:00 / 07.10.2023 with the following link:
Participation is free and the number of participants is limited.
So, don’t miss your chance to participate in the exchange of the best experience with our international partners in Armenian.
Here is the 5th webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International”.
The speaker is the expert from “Perkins International” Martina Celizić․
The aim of the webinar is to present the necessary steps to create an IEP for children with multiple disabilities, in particular, how to organize the environment where the educational process will take place, what means of communication will be used, how it will be adapted to the child’s visual, auditory and motor abilities.
The webinar will take place on 05.09.2023 at 20:00
To participate, you need to pre-register by 18:00 / 30.08.2023 with the following link: https://forms.gle/j4FCZgZfaLKx8bSM7
Participation is free and the number of participants is limited.
So, don’t miss your chance to participate in the exchange of the best experience with our international partners in Armenian.
If you participated in the face-to-face meetings of the “INCLUSIVE EDUCATION” block of the fourth EduArmenia2023 Pan-Armenian scientific and educational workshop on July 3rd and 4th of this year, please take a few minutes and share your opinion with us.
Note, on July 1-4, the fourth EduArmenia2023 Pan-Armenian scientific and educational workshop was held, and the “INCLUSIVE EDUCATION” block of this workshop was implemented by the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center.
Join the “MIASIN” team!
We are happy to welcome everyone, who
- ✦ is from 12 to 15 years old,
- ✦ loves theater
- ✦ wants to discover new talents in themselves
- ✦ wants to overcome the fears and difficulties of socializing
- ✦ wants to communicate and cooperate with peers
- ✦ wants to fill his/her day with new emotions
- ✦ wants to spend interesting time discovering the amazing world of theater art.
“MIASIN” (Together) inclusive theater troupe of the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center is already about two years old. During these years they performed a number of performances: “Stronger than it seems”, “Christmas tree”, “Peaceful childhood” etc.
We want to emphasize, that the young actors of the “MIASIN” theater troupe have many achievements in other areas of life as well. Drama therapy has a positive effect on children’s opportunities for self-expression, it helps them to achieve success outside of art.
The director is Marine Asatryan. She is a drama therapist, who uses her many years of experience to reveale the children’s creativity and to help them fully involve in public life.
The theater troupe has effective experience of staging the performances in Yerevan and regions as well.
For details: 095 52 16 95
Here is the 4-th webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International”.
The speaker is an expert from “Perkins International” Nikolina Mihalić Kocijan.
The goal of this webinar is to clarify the difference between developmental and functional goals, given on the example of one activity. Also, how to integrate these goals into a meaningful educational process, taking into consideration a child’s strengths, interests and needs.
The webinar will take place on 27.06.2023 at 20:00
To participate, you need to pre-register by 18:00 / 21.06.2023 with the following link:
Participation is free and the number of participants is limited.
So, don’t miss your chance to participate in the exchange of the best experience with our international partners in Armenian.

Here is the third webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International”.
The speaker is an expert from “Perkins International” Martina Celizic.
The goal of this webinar is to explain the holistic approach to teaching, that takes into consideration the activity-based intervention, principles of active learning, and principles of so-called spiral learning. Experts will get insight into models they can use when developing meaningful programs for children and youth with multiple disabilities.
The webinar will take place on 31.05.2023 at 20:00
To participate, you need to pre-register by 18:00 / 26.05.2023 with the following link:
🔗 https://forms.gle/279qPJMeNSAcH7fi7
Participation is free and the number of participants is limited.
So, don’t miss your chance to participate in the exchange of the best experience with our international partners in Armenian.

Preparations for the fourth EduArmenia2023 Pan-Armenia scientific and educational workshop are going on.
The fourth EduArmenia2023 Pan-Armenian scientific and educational workshop will take place on July 1-4 this year.
The seminars and workshops of the “INCLUSIVE EDUCATION” part, an important component of its activity, will be organized. Numerous online and face-to-face events – seminars, plenary discussions, and webinars – are planned for various thematic spheres. As an environment of opportunities for cooperation, it is especially important from the point of view of the possibilities of implementing inclusive education.
To become a part of this event and to make a report on the mentioned topics, you need to preregister below:
EduArmenia2023 Pan-Armenia scientific and educational workshop registration deadline is May 25th, 2023. The applications pass an exam by the coordinating committees of the respective departments, and only the approved applications will receive an invitation to participate in the workshop.
We are looking forward to our speakers. Be active!
A session of the Expert Council under the State Duma Committee on Education of the Russian Federation will take place on April 19th, 2023. The international scientific and educational forum “Special education in the 21st Century” will be held within the framework of this session.
The main topics are:
- ✦ The special education system, international and regional experience
- ✦ Inclusive education, challenges
- ✦ Providing educational-psychological and medical-social assistance to children with disabilities and their families/caregivers/.
- ✦ The development of national scientific traditions in modern deaf pedagogy.
Deputy director of the Republican Pedagogical – Psychological Center Haykuhi Adamyan will make a report on the “Inclusive education as a guarantee of quality and accessible education in the Republic of Armenia” topic.
Follow the link and join the meeting on April 19th at 13:00
Here is the first webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International”.
The speakers are experts from “Perkins International”
Martina Celizic and Nikolina Yurich Tanfara
The aim of this webinar is to describe the different ways people with complex developmental needs communicate, based on the fact that all children can communicate.
The webinar will take place on 11.04.2023 at 20:00
To participate, you need to pre-register by 18:00 / 05.04.23 with the following link:
🔗 https://forms.gle/vn93epyzHmcp9Fbh8
Participation is free and the number of participants is limited.
So, don’t miss your chance to participate in the exchange of the best experience with our international partners in Armenian.

Here is the second webinar conducted in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International” Perkins School for the Blind.
The speaker is Martina Celizic expert from “Perkins International”.
This webinar will offer to experts the thinking about the educational needs of children and youth with multiple disabilities. Experts will get acquainted with different approaches to development, via the use of Individualized Educational Plans and its basic components․
The webinar will take place on 10.05.2023 at 20:00
To participate, you need to pre-register by 18:00 / 04.05.2023 with the following link: 🔗 https://forms.gle/PdipGqNQuYqsysSk7
Participation is free and the number of participants is limited.
So, don’t miss your chance to participate in the exchange of the best experience with our international partners in Armenian.
Dear Partner,
we kindly invite you to take part in “Inclusive Education” section training courses of the EduArmenia2022 Pan-Armenian Scientific-Educational Workshop.
The workshop will take place from July 1st to 4th. On July 1st and 2nd the workshop will be held offline at the Armenian State Pedagogical University. Additionally, on July 3rd and 4th the workshop will be held online.
Check agenda of the workshop: bit.ly/3DzxazI
UNICEF supports the organization of EduArmenia2022 Pan-Armenian Scientific-Educational Workshop “Inclusive Education” section.
The “Inclusive Education” section of the EduArmenia2022 Pan-Armenian Scientific-Educational Workshop is being implemented in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical – Psychological Center and the Armenian State Pedagogical University.
Get acquainted with the speakers of EduArmenia2022 Pan-Armenian Scientific-Educational Workshop “Inclusive Education” section below: https://bit.ly/3NgRKr2
The official Facebook page of the Republican Pedagogical – Psychological Center was hacked on March 15.
Unfortunately, as a result, the Facebook page (https://facebook.com/hmkentron/) is no longer available for us.
Any information posted after March 15th is inconsistent with the Center’s official positions. Therefore, I urge our subscribers to ignore that page.
Please join our new page for official information on RPPC activities from now: https://facebook.com/hmkyerevan/
Araksia Svajyan
Director of the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center

Hurry up to join “MIASIN” theater group until 13th May
Children studying in 4-9 grades can apply.
The head of the theater group is director, playwright Marine Asatryan.
Future actors will take part in performances, communicate with their peers, will have the opportunity to create, to develop their potential skills, to feel the art sphere.
To apply, you need to fill out an application
🧡 We look forward to seeing you! 🧡
We will create “TOGETHER”
We would like to inform you that the deadline for registration of SPEAKERS is April 30, 2022.
“INCLUSIVE EDUCATION” block is divided into 6 main sections.
- ✦ Inclusive education policy, value formation
- ✦ Inclusive teaching strategies, including the total formation of education
- ✦ Providing educational environment adaptations, including the usage of assistive technologies
- ✦ Preschool age inclusion
- ✦ Inclusion in post-school education
- ✦ Organizing the education for children with exceptional skills.
If the above mentioned topics are part of your research and you can make a report on them during the EduArmenia PanArmenian conference, then hurry to register.
Attention: Only SPEAKERS can register here.
Within the framework of RA state budget for 2022 of the “Implementation of the Total Inclusive Education System” program.
The grant is intended in two directions: to provide pedagogical-psychological support services in the RA Tavush, Ararat, Vayots Dzor marzes and to provide measures to support the organization of education of children with SEN.
Source: RA MoESCS Official WebpageOn April 21, at 11։00, expanded meeting in teleconference format on topic “Special education of the XXI century” took place with Professional Council of Special Education of the Committee on Education and Science of CIS and the Committee of the RF State Duma on Education and Science.
RPPC Director Araksia Svajyan took part in the conference on behalf of the RA MօESCS.
The topic of the report is “The system of inclusive education and perspectives for further development in Armenia”.
Main directions of work:
✦ Systems of special education, regional experience, time requirements.
✦ Inclusive systems of education and psychological-pedagogical support of children with SEN.
✦ Models of comprehensive support of preschool and school children with SEN and their families.
✦ Organizational, educational, methodological, consulting and monitoring support of vocational guidance and training for people with disabilities.
✦ Psychological, pedagogical, medical and social support to children with autism.
✦ Comprehensive medical, psychological-pedagogical rehabilitation of children with cochlear implants.
✦ Socio-cultural rehabilitation in organizations of secondary vocational and higher education.
On April 7, at 14:00-15:00, Panel discussion will take place at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center.
Theme: “Prevention and reduction of bullying in the educational environment”
Discussion topics:
✦ Bullying problems in RA schools
✦ Teachers’ responsibilities in reducing and preventing bullying
✦ Bullying laws and regulations
✦ Systematic approaches for reducing bullying in the educational environment.
✦ Araksia Svajyan-Director of the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center
✦ Irina Alewert-Director of “Global to Local”
✦ Ivetta Shahbazyan- Human Rights Defender’s Office, Head of Children’s Rights Department
✦ Aida Muradyan-World Vision Armenia, “Accessible Social Services Program” Manager
✦ Ashkhen Dashyan- legal expert
✦ Alina Manukyan- Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center specialist, psychologist
The event will take place within the framework of the “Reduction of Bullying in Public Schools” program implemented in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical- Psychological Center and “Global to Local” organization.
The project is implemented in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
You can ask your questions related to the topic in advance or during the event by writing on our Facebook page.
We will be honored if you find time to be present at the opening ceremony of the Exhibition entitled “SURPRISE FOR MOTHERS” on April 07, at 11:00 am
Many artists, parents, and other honorable authorities will be guests of the event. Among the guests will be the RA Honored Artist – Anna Harutyunyan.
Children with developmental disabilities will present their paintings, which will be a special gift and psychological encouragement for their parents….
Our address is: 12 Kajaznuni Street, Yerevan, Email: info.hmkentron@gmail.com
The Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center announces a competition for the involvement of mentors in Gegharkunik and Kotayk regions within the framework of the “Ensuring the development of teaching skills of secondary school teachers and teacher assistants” program, which is implemented with RA MoESCS.
In 2020, Kotayk and Gegharkunik regions have made a transition to universal inclusive education, within the framework of which all schools in the above-mentioned regions will provide inclusive education. A key precondition for the effective organization of this process is the development of teacher’s pedagogical skills.
The aim of the “Ensuring the Development of Teaching Skills for Teachers and Teacher Assistants” program implemented by the RPPC is to contribute to the development of the capacity of secondary school teachers through continuous mentoring, promoting the full inclusion of children with SEN, and effective education.
As a result of the competition, 10 teachers will be selected in each region, who will participate in the training courses organized by RPPC. Also, they will use the mentoring support module and tools, implement a continuous support program (training courses and mentoring support) for other secondary school teachers.
One of the main preconditions for applying to the program is:
- ✦ Having a higher pedagogical education
- ✦ Being a resident of Gegharkunik or Kotayk region
- ✦ Being an active teacher
- ✦ Having at least 5 years of work experience
- ✦ Having the ability to communicate and work in a team
- ✦ Accessibility and flexibility to conduct training courses in the regions
- ✦ Knowledge of computer programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.) Knowing at least one foreign language
- ✦ Having organizational, quick orientation, and initiative skills
Interested candidates can send their CV and cover letter to info.hmkentron@gmail.com until December 30th.
The Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center provides psychological consultation and support to families affected by the Artsakh war.
For more information please contact us Tel: +374 10 552495
The Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center resumes the provision of the following services of pedagogical and psychological assistance:
- ✦ speech therapist
- ✦ ocial teachers
- ✦ psychologist
- ✦ art therapy
- ✦ dance therapy
These services are intended for preschool children with complex and multiple problems. Children are recruited for the 2020-2021 academic year.
Contacts for registration: (010) 559-451
Adress: Kajaznuni 12, Yerevan
🧡 We are waiting for our little visitors 🧡