On November 28-29, a two-day training course on “Neuroses, neurotic manifestations, fears, their causes, and the mechanisms of overcoming” was held at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center, conducted by Taguhi Makaryan. The course was both theoretical and practical and had a clear agenda. In the theoretical part, scientific definitions and analyzes related to neurosis were voiced, psychotherapeutic solutions proposed by different theorists were discussed. Neurotic manifestations and bad habits of a neonatal nature were mentioned. The topics of the second day of the course were fears, their types and ways of expression, age patterns, influences and causes. Special cases and situations, ways are overcoming them and diagnostic methods were discussed.
The course was full of practical exercises and role-playing games.
The participants (psychologists and other specialists providing pedagogical-psychological support services) showed boundless curiosity and active participation. The atmosphere was conducive, warm and full of emotions.
“Neuroses, neurotic manifestations, fears, their causes, and the mechanisms of overcoming” two-day training course