The Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center continues its activities aimed at cooperating with the parent community and raising awareness.
On February 28, 2025, a series of training courses for parents on the “GUARANTEES OF A CHILD’S EFFECTIVE EDUCATION AND SOCIAL INCLUSION” topic was launched.
The aim of the Course was to promote effective education and social inclusion of students with disabilities and/or special educational needs by raising parents’ awareness of children’s rights and the principles of inclusive education.
RPPC Director Lilit Mnatsakanyan welcomed the participants of the Course. Mrs. Mnatsakanyan attached importance to the cooperation with parents in identifying the needs of students in educational institutions for special educational conditions, increasing the efficiency of organizing and implementing education, as well as emphasized the open and collaborative activities of the RPPC.
The trainer of the Course was A. Gareginyan, Head of the RPPC Department of Training and Methodological Support. Highlighting the importance of working with the parent community in the process of implementing universal inclusive education, she addressed such key topics as:
- ✦ legal regulations related to children’s education;
- ✦ fundamental ideas and principles of universal inclusive education;
- ✦ the impact of positive communication in the context of parent-school cooperation on the effective organization and implementation of children’s education;
- ✦ the system of pedagogical-psychological support services for the organization of education.
The parents gained a general understanding of the rights of the child and their legal acts, learnt why individualized education is important, and became familiar with the principles and procedures for developing and implementing an Individual Educational Plan (IEP). They raised various questions and suggestions of concern to the parent community.
The meeting took place in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. The parents’ response was encouraging, which is an important prerequisite for the implementation of future meetings.