The newly created “MIASIN” Inclusive Theater Troupe of the Republican Pedagogical – Psychological Center presented the performance “STRONGER THAN IT SEEMS” based on Alan Alexander Milne’s “Winnie the Pooh” novel on November 8, 2022.
So, 12 actors participated in this amazing performance. The director is Marine Asatryan, who invests her many years of experience in youth theater art to reveal the possibilities of inclusive theater art.
The performance took place in a warm atmosphere, where the idea of making uniqueness acceptable to everyone through the actors, and their roles is the most important point.
Our little actors were awarded certificates for their active participation in this performance.
The director of RPPC Araqsia Svajyan, congratulated the theater troupe for the beautiful result of the six – months work, emphasizing the way to achieve changes through art and the process that children go through, because: “This is not only an end result that brings change and breaks stereotypes, but also gives each child the confidence to become a stronger person.”
However, the successful launch of creating diversity as a value for children and society through arts, thus ensuring real inclusion in all spheres of public life, is ongoing. The project was implemented within the framework of the RA MoESCS grant program “Inclusive projects in modern art” in 2022.