Emphasizing the significance of Book Giving Day, we present to you one of our publications: the manual “INCREASING THE PSYCHOSOCIAL RESILIENCE OF CHILDREN”.
The Manual, designed for educators and psychologists, was developed by experts from the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center within the framework of the “Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Children from Nagorno-Karabakh in the Educational Process by Increasing Their Psychosocial Resilience” program implemented in cooperation with UNICEF and with the financial support of UNESCO.
The authors of the Manual are H. Adamyan, A. Manukyan, A. Gareginyan, L. Margaryan, with L. Mnatsakanyan as the professional editor.
The Manual aims to contribute to the implementation of quality programs for and with children, as well as to enhance teachers’ knowledge of mental health and psychosocial support.
The content of the Manual is based on local and international experience in psychosocial support and child protection in emergency situations. It provides general information on important skills that contribute to the development of the psychosocial resilience of students and helps teachers implement the programs presented in the Manual more effectively. The programs are aimed at ensuring the development of skills aimed at increasing the psychosocial resilience of students in the following areas:
- ✦ social-emotional development;
- ✦ stress control;
- ✦ relationships and communication;
- ✦ self-determination;
- ✦ school as a social-emotional environment.
The Manual addresses the reasons for the importance of mental health and psychological support, the mechanisms for implementing this support in schools, and the structure of the Program for increasing the psychosocial resilience of children. The Manual also includes exercises designed in accordance with the age-related development standards of students, their interests, characteristics, and needs.
The Manual consists of three parts:
- ✦ information for the group leader;
- ✦ program for increasing children’s resilience;
- ✦ group and individual intervention techniques for working with students with traumatic experiences.
We are sure that the Manual can serve as a useful resource for strengthening children’s psychosocial well-being, building resilience, and achieving sustainable change.
The electronic version of the Manual is available on the RPPC website at the following link: