On December 9 and 10 the UNICEF Armenia and the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center with the support of the Russian Federation within the framework of “Providing educational and psychological support during the COVID-19 pandemic” and “Improving services for equal participation and inclusive development” projects, held two-day meeting-workshop on the following topic: “WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT SERVICES FOR CHILDREN.”
The meeting-workshop was attended by representatives of the MoESCS and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the UNICEF Armenia, the Republican Pedagogical and Psychological Center, heads of TPPSC, as well as representatives of organizations providing educational and psychological support services, representatives of schools, preschool educational institutions and parent organizations dealing with the problems of SEN children.
The following topics were presented and discussed:
- ✦ New project procedure for providing pedagogical-psychological support services;
- ✦ Project of the new toolkit and procedures for assessing the children with SEN at school and pre-school level;
- ✦ Reviewed versions of the IEP and the Preventive Intervention Plan;
- ✦ The project of application and introduction of technologies supporting the educational process;
- ✦ Information system for children with SEN.
The meeting ended with a summary of the work done, many suggestions were voiced and the further steps and the ways of its implementation were discussed.