At the initiative of RPPC director L. Mnatsakanyan a regular meeting-discussion took place at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center. Chief Specialist of the department of general education of the MoESCS Mrs. Anahit Muradyan, directors of TPPSCs and RPPC representatives took part in this meeting.
Mrs. Muradyan spoke about the action plan arising from the law on approving the “Education development plan until 2030″, the reports of TPPSCs, sector reforms and targeted steps.
Mrs. L. Mnatsakanyan spoke about the current work issues related to TPPSCs’ activities:
- ✦ recommendations were made to organize the work with educational establishments in the most effective way and to achieve the specified goals success and gaps were considered as well,
- ✦ the vision of the upcoming activities was clarified.
Additionally, directors of TPPSCs presented their concerns and suggestions.
The meeting atmosphere was constructive.