“Training courses aimed at ensuring inclusion in music and art schools” program implemented in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical – Psychological Center and “CHILDREN’S SPECIAL CREATIVE CENTER” SNPO with the support of the RA MoESCS was referred to by “The First Program” of ATV.
The guests were RPPC Deputy Director Haykuhi Adamyan and “CHILDREN’S SPECIAL CREATIVE CENTER” SNPO deputy director Lilit Martirosyan.
So, during the conversation, the speakers referred to the main goal of the project: to create an environment where children with SEN can receive art education. They also spoke on the details of the program implementation.
H. Adamyan highlighted the need to create an environment of inclusiveness in schools, emphasizing the assessment according to the child’s abilities. In this context, inclusion means diversity. the same standards cannot work for everyone.
Watch the video below.