A memorandum has been signed between ”Initiative for Educational, Social and Legal Inclusion” NGO and the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center SNCO. “Support for the adapted educational materials” project starts on the basis of the memorandum, within the framework of which experimental-research works will be carried out in 11 schools of Armenia.
The campaign is funded by People in Need Armenia within the framework of “Civil Society Actors as Drivers of Change in South Caucasus and Moldova” project funded by European Union in Armenia.
Within the framework of the program, the workbooks, developed by the specialists of RPPC Content Development Department, “Mother Tongue 1” and “Mathematics 1” will be published and tested for 4 months, which include the pre-alphabetical and pre-digital periods of the mentioned subjects of secondary schools’ first grades.
The work is continuous, combined with seminars, meetings-discussions and experience exchange.
The cooperation will promote the efficiency of universal inclusive education in RA and the provision of assistance for the realization of the children’s educational rights.