The main functions of the Department of assessment are:
- Assessment of special educational needs of beneficiaries of The Center (hereinafter – Assessment) and provision of an assessment report.
- Double assessment in accordance with the complaints submitted to The Center, as well as the provision of an assessment report.
- Providing with support on the process of assessing the second level of Regional Centers of Educational and Psychological Assistance (hereinafter referred to as RCEPA).
- Consultation on the use of the initial assessment tools in educational institutions.
- Monitoring of the assessment process by the RCEPA.
- Rewriting the database (hereinafter referred to as the Database), created by the National Center for Educational Technologies (hereinafter referred to as the NCЕT).
- Organization and conducting of trainings about the Database management for specialists of RCEPA.
- Data entry of those children, who were assessed by The Center.
- Providing guidelines for the assessment process and on the tools that are used during the assessment.
- Submission of suggestions and recommendations in the process of processing and reviewing forms and in organization of education for children with special educational needs.
- Research, monitoring and analysis of the assessment process.