Series of seminars has been launched at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center. So, RPPC specialists who have participated in international programs share their acquired knowledge, advanced experience and information from different countries with their colleagues.
Specialist of the Department of Training and Methodological Support of the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center Shushanik Dumikyan participated in a nine-month training course within the educational leadership program of the Perkins School for the Blind, studying at the Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, USA, from 2023 to 2024.
A seminar on “Educational leadership program of the Perkins School for the Blind of the USA” was held at the RPPC on August 26, 2024, and Shushanik presented the experience gained during the course, reflected on the structure and activities of the educational program of the Perkins School for the Blind. She also shared her impressions of getting to know the participants from different countries.
The participants got information about the leadership program, its structure, and content, were informed about the difficulties faced by the blind and deaf-blind at the household level, the ways and methods of overcoming them, developing the ability to live together, as well as about the “Shark tank” program. Additionally, in the framework of this program, Shushanik is going to carry out training courses on the topic “Development of communication skills in children with multiple and severe disorders of preschool age” in Armenia.
Various adapted materials, alternative communication devices and ways of using them were presented during the seminar, as well as a series of manuals to help specialists develop their toolkits and improve their professional skills.