With deep sorrow, we announce that the RA Honorary Educator Varduhi Katinyan passed away.
V. Katinyan made a significant contribution to the introduction and implementation of universal inclusive education in the Republic of Armenia, as well as to the creation and development of the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center. She was actively involved in the field of special education for many years, leading a number of educational institutions. Due to her active efforts, Yerevan Boarding School N 5 was reorganized into the Medical-Psychological-Pedagogical Assessment Center, and later became the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center.
As an education expert, V. Katinyan continuously invested her scientific and pedagogical potential, professional experience, and knowledge in promoting universal inclusion, constantly being in touch with specialists in the field, guiding and supporting everyone with her useful advice.
The entire RPPC staff expresses its condolences to the family, relatives, friends, and colleagues of Varduhi Katinyan on the passing of a distinguished educator, a good person, and a colleague.
The memorial service will take place on December 18 at the funeral home at Nubarashen 46.