Fairy tales opens warm and magical world for everyone, where everything is possible. Remember, miracles happen not only in a fairy tales, but also through a fairy tale…/p>
Two-day seminar on “USAGE OF FAIRYTALE IN PSYCHOLOGICAL WORK” was held at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center on January 18-19, 2024.
The speaker is ARMINE AVAGYAN, RPPC psychologist of the Department of Pedagogical-Psychological Assistance.
They also acquired basic knowledge on typology of fairy tales and the messages conveyed, got acquainted with the features and methods of creating therapeutic fairy tales, as well as the elements used in fairy tale therapy and the mechanisms of psychological analysis of fairy tales.
So, the participants gain fundamental insights on “fairy tale therapy” technique, how it is applied in individual and group work, what classifications fairy tales have and how to build a fairy tale plot.