At the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center, master classes on alternative therapies were organized for support specialists of RA TPPSC’s on June 12-14. The master classes were aimed at the development of art-therapeutic skills of specialists, at improving their professional qualities.
Our colleagues from TPPSC’s participated in alternative therapies: theater, pottery, and dance, and got acquainted with their features in practice.
The master classes started with drama therapy. With the help of art therapist Marine Asatryan, the participants tried to discover their potential and opportunities in this field, communicating details of achieving results through theater art. They wrote a joint script about self-knowledge, self-presentation, self-presentation, discovering one’s “I”, face-to-face meetings with different “I’s” and finding one’s place and role in these meetings, the process of which was accompanied by a ball of “I’s”. “, “Your role” with games and amazing professional discussions.
Then, during the dance therapy conducted by art therapist Anna Gharibyan, the participants tested several dance techniques: mirroring, imitating, responding, etc., as well as practiced dance game exercises promoting the development of coordination, rhythm, attention, and memory.
Under the guidance of clay therapist Taguhi Stepanyan, our colleagues worked with clay, prepared various objects, embodying their ideas about power in the material and expressing their ideas through it. In this way, they became familiar with clay therapy and its relaxing nature.
So, the master classes were summarized with the conclusion that every object, phenomenon, and action contains a huge resource and power, depending on the perspective from which we look at it and make sense of it.
Alternative therapies supplemented the knowledge and skills of the specialists of the TPPSC’s with new abilities and experience, which will surely contribute to increasing the efficiency of their work.