With the support of the RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, on April 5-7, 2023, the “EDUCATION AND CAREER EXPO 2023” international specialized exhibition was held at the “Yerevan-EXPO” exhibition complex. More than 80 educational establishments and international donors participated from Armenia and abroad.
Deputy Minister of the RA MoESCS Araqsia Svajyan greeted the participants. She highlighted the importance of combining the needs and demands of education and the labor market, and especially the participation of schoolchildren on the platform of the largest exhibition in the region.
According to A. Svajyan, from the point of view of the internationalization of educational services and products, this exhibition is also a broad platform to present the educational opportunities of RA to foreign organizations, to outline the perspectives of cooperation, and increase the range of various interests.
The Republican Pedagogical – Psychological Center presented itself at the international specialized exhibition “EDUCATION AND CAREER EXPO 2023” presenting all spheres of its activity.
In terms of developing programs, processes, and strategies related to the inclusion of education, there was great interest from local and international partners in the RPPC booth, where our publications were displayed as well.
The books and workbooks developed by RPPC interested the visitors in the perspective of organizing accessible and accessible education.