Within the framework of the “Strengthening the educational system through the expansion of the works of the implementation of psychological support services in educational establishments and the reorganization of the Special school-resource center for children with hearing impairments” program carried out in cooperation with the RA MoESCS, UNICEF Swiss Natcom, UNICEF Armenia and Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center on October 8, 2024 a meeting-consultation was held at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center on “Peculiarities of education organization for children with hearing impairments studying in general schools”. Specialists supporting children with hearing impairments from RA TPPSCs participated in this meeting.
The speaker was candidate of pedagogical sciences Lusine Babayan.
The features and problems of organizing the education for children with hearing impairments were discussed, which specialists face in practice, the main directions of support, the principles of methodology selection and the forms are discussed and methods of implementation were also distinguished.