Within the framework of cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and the Perkins School for the Blind organization, the sixteenth webinar was held on December 17, 2024, on the “ADAPTATION OF MATERIALS AND THE OPTIMIZATION OF SPACE FOR VISUAL FUNCTIONING” topic.
A well-organized environment helps a person make the most of their vision. The present Webinar focused on the impact of the environment on a person’s vision in different situations and possible environmental changes to improve a person’s visual function. The speaker briefly presented the characteristics of children with Cerebral Visual Impairment according to the main areas of vision assessment, linking them to environmental factors that can be changed, and enabling them to successfully perform certain tasks in a given environment.
The speaker also provided information on the effective adaptation of space and materials, introducing key factors for vision tasks, such as color, light, visual data saturation, auditory signals, and instructions. The participants of the Webinar learned which factors are most effective in each case of visual problems, what adaptations are appropriate, and what strategies to apply to ensure maximum efficiency.
We would like to remind you, that the series of webinars is aimed at the exchange of best practices between specialists from different countries.
Follow us for more information on the next webinar.