The “Inclusive Education” block of the EduArmenia2022 Pan-Armenian scientific and educational workshop was carried out successfully by the efforts of the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and the Armenian State Pedagogical University.
Presentations were made by 60 speakers from 1st to 4th of July. Face-to-face seminars were attended by about 600 participants. The speakers from Armenia, Artsakh, and the Diaspora joined EduArmenia2022 Pan-Armenian scientific and educational workshop.
So, the Republican Pedagogical – Psychological Center, being the organizer and coordinator of the “Inclusive Education” block, conducted information campaigns as well.
Our subscribers could follow the reports through live links and Facebook videos. You can watch a series of videos and photos on our official website and Youtube channel.
We achieved success thanks to well-coordinated work with our partners. So, thanks for being there with us.