The fifth webinar was held in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center and “Perkins International” on “Learning support strategies and intervention structures for children with multiple and severe disabilities” topic on September 5, 2023.
The speaker of the webinar was the expert from “Perkins International” Martina Celizic. During the webinar, the participants got acquainted with the steps and their order of creating the general educational program for children with multiple disorders. M. Celizic presented the priorities which should be taken into account while creating the curriculum for children with multiple and severe disabilities, what kind of lessons can be developed and how to organize the educational environment where the lessons will take place. Also, she spoke about the means of communication used, the ways and means of adapting them to the child’s visual, auditory and motor abilities, emphasizing the importance of matching the natural environment of different approaches and trainings to the individual environments of children in learning support strategies.
Note, the aim of this series of webinars is to exchange the best experience among specialists from different countries.
So, stay tuned and don’t miss the registration!