Within the framework of the program “Strengthening the educational system through the implementation of psychological support services in educational establishments and the expansion of the reorganization of the special school-resource center for children with hearing impairments” carried out in cooperation with the RA Ministry of ESCS, UNICEF Swiss Natcom, UNICEF Armenia, and Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center on October 18, 2024 a seminar was held at the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center on “The main obstacles encountered in public educational establishments from the perspective of parents of children with hearing impairment” topic. So, parents of children with various hearing impairments participated in the current seminar.
The speaker was Lusine Babayan, a candidate in pedagogical sciences.
The seminar aimed to highlight the main obstacles and issues encountered in the learning and socialization of hearing-impaired children studying in public educational establishments, find effective ways and means of overcoming them, and contribute to the development of hearing-impaired parents’ parenting skills.
During the seminar, such important components of the process of organization and implementation of education were discussed, such as the educational conditions available to all students, the individual approach to each one according to his/her characteristics, involvement in classes, relationships based on trust, safety, and responsibility, as well as the transfer of knowledge and skills applicable to life, which according to L. Babayan is the most important issue of general education.
So, L. Babayan emphasized the importance of parents and educators recognizing the child’s strengths and developing the skills to cover the weaknesses with them. Also, she touched upon the issues of hearing evaluation, the need for correct diagnosis of problems the appropriateness of using hearing aids, and the methods and ways of purposefully applying technological possibilities.
The parents spoke about the problems that interest them, sharing their successful experiences as well.