Three-day international conference on “Inclusion through Art” topic was held on March 6-8,2024. It was organized in cooperation with Yerevan State University, the Swedish “Share Music & Performing Arts” artistic development and inclusion knowledge center, within the framework of the “Performance Art Exchange-2” project implemented in cooperation with the Henrik Igityan National Centre for Aesthetics.
So, at the core of the discussions were the current state and perspectives of the implementation of the Convention on Children’s Rights, the connection between art and human rights, the problems of disability and inclusion, and the integration of children and adults in society through art.
Within the theme of human rights and inclusion, the interaction of children’s rights and the arts was considered through case studies of performing arts and inclusion practices in different countries.
Panel discussions were also organized to discuss various issues of inclusion.
RPPC director Lilit Mnatsakanyan was one of the speakers of this panel discussion “Practical application of inclusion policy”. She referred to the education policy implemented in the Republic of Armenia and the reforms of total inclusive education in that context, the possibilities of introducing institutional mechanisms to ensure an accessible and inclusive environment, and the work done and planned.
L. Mnatsakanyan also presented the activities of the “MIASIN” theater, one of the alternative projects of the RPPC, which ensures children’s full involvement in public life.
The presentation of the “Inclusion through Art. Children’s Rights Education toolkit” took place within the framework of the conference.
The conference concluded with a seminar on teaching approaches and toolkits applicable in an inclusive art environment.