Cooperation with territorial pedagogical-psychological support centers is one of the important components of “Еnsuring the development of inclusive teaching skills of teachers and teacher assistants program”.
The mentors of the program once again visited Lori, Aragatsotn, Armavir, Shirak, Syunik, Kotayk, Gegharkunik TMCs and organizations providing pedagogical and psychological support services in marzes: “Bridge of Hope” Tavush, “For You” NGO Ararat, “Child Development Foundation” Vayoc Dzor on February-March 2024.
Within the framework of the meetings, various issues related to the process of providing pedagogical and psychological support were discussed. In particular:
- ✦ the specifics of the assessment process for students with special education needs /SEN/, the changes made in the Individual Educational Plan /IEP/ and the procedures for completing them,
- ✦ emphasizing the age and psychological characteristics of those students,
- ✦ pedagogical and psychological support provided to students forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh, their smooth inclusion in the educational process,
- ✦ implementation of joint training courses,
- ✦ the importance of the usage of workbooks developed by the Republican Pedagogical- Psychology Center in schools,
- ✦ providing necessary advice to schools on reasonable adjustments,
- ✦ to increase the effectiveness of inclusive education, complementing the functions of the specialists and mentors of TPPSCs and the effective cooperation between mentors and TMCs.
Various problems that appeared in schools were also discussed, and joint decisions were made regarding ways of solutions.
- ✦ to carry out joint training courses on the procedure for filling out the IEP and the age-related psychological features of students,
- ✦ to carry out joint teaching and observation of classes with the specialists of TPPSCs,
- ✦ organize video viewing-discussions about success stories,
- ✦ to cooperate closely with each other to support the forcibly displaced students from Nagorno Karabakh, to include them in the educational process,
- ✦ at the start of the next phase of mentoring support, carry out a selection of schools according to the schools in need of support in the given region, taking into account the recommendations of TPPSCs.
During the meetings, the need for frequent meetings of the multidisciplinary teams of the TPPSCs and project mentors was emphasized on both sides for sharing experiences, and jointly discussing problematic and solution-requiring issues.
The meetings took place in a warm, cooperative atmosphere.