– Hello! I want to gift you my smile ։)
One of the important components of the “Inclusion of Forcibly Displayed Children from Nagorno-Karabakh in the Educational Process by Increasing Their Psychosocial Resilience” program carried out by the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center in cooperation with UNESCO and UNICEF, is the implementation of work aimed at developing the psychosocial resilience of school-age children.
During 14 meetings, students gain skills such as recognizing and managing emotions, collaborating with peers and adults, building social relationships, setting priorities and realistic goals in daily life, making decisions, and solving problems.
Meetings have a clear structure and duration. Each meeting begins with a welcome activity that helps students greet each other, make friends, and have fun, as well as focus their attention on that day’s meeting and recall what they learned in previous meetings. Welcome activities also help to value the positive actions that students have carried out at school, in their families, and in the community at large.