Our third video, which tells the story of sixteen-year-old Anush, is based on the success stories found in the methodological guideline “How to promote inclusion in the classroom” developed by the Republican Pedagogical – Psychological Center.
It is aimed to help all parties involved in the educational process discover the golden rules of inclusion. Anush studies in the eleventh grade. The vision problem causes serious difficulties for Anush’s education as well as in her daily life. However, she is able to overcome the difficulties.
Education becomes pleasant and interesting for him with typhlo-specialist, as a result of cooperation with classmates, environmental adaptations, and, of course, different strategies used by her teacher Davit.
This interesting film was created with the initiative and support of “Haykakan Caritas” NGO, within the framework of “My Right: Inclusive Education in Armenia and Kosovo” project. It is aimed at realizing the fundamental right of each child to education.