Preparations for the fourth EduArmenia2023 Pan-Armenia scientific and educational workshop are going on.
The fourth EduArmenia2023 Pan-Armenian scientific and educational workshop will take place on July 1-4 this year. The seminars and workshops of the “INCLUSIVE EDUCATION” part, an important component of its activity, will be organized in cooperation with the Republican Pedagogical – Psychological Center.
Numerous online and face-to-face events – seminars, plenary discussions, and webinars – are planned for various thematic spheres. As an environment of opportunities for cooperation, it is especially important from the point of view of the possibilities of implementing inclusive education.
To be a part of this event and, why not, to make a report on the mentioned topics, you need to preregister below:
EduArmenia2023 Pan-Armenia scientific and educational workshop registration deadline is April 30th, 2023. The applications pass an exam by the coordinating committees of the respective departments, and only the approved applications will receive an invitation to participate in the workshop.
We are looking forward to our speakers. Be active!