We will never give up
We will always move forward!
With these words, the young actors of the “MIASIN” theater of the Republican Pedagogical-Psychological Center stage the “THE JOURNEY OF THE WATER LILY” performance. It was took place on December 18, 2023, in Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan.
“THE JOURNEY OF THE WATER LILY” is a story about little seeds that do not give up. Crossing many worlds, overcoming dangers, aiming to find ways out they achieve their dream.
Our little heroes tell the audience about their determination not to give up and about the decision to always go forward.
Deputy Minister of the RA MoESCS Araqsia Svajyan congratulated the little actors and said that she was sure the theater will go a long way, performing on different stages of the country and conveying positive emotions and the acquired experience to the audience.
RPPC director Lilit Mnatsakanyan welcomed the guests and our young actors appreciating the dedication and close cooperation of the creative group, RPPC team and parents. Also, she expressed her gratitude to all partners, in particular thanking the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) that has become possible through our dedicated Mirak Weissbach Foundation’s generous support. Little actors and volunteers supporting the troupe were awarded certificates for their active participation in the performance.
The wonderful performance accompanied by beautiful musical design, original songs and colorful scenes, really attracted the audience. By the way, “MIASIN” theater was created in 2022. During the two years of its activity, they managed to perform a number of performances: “Stronger than it seems”, “The Christmas Tree”, “Peaceful Childhood” and others.
So, through the theater troupe, the process of ensuring real inclusion in children’s lives and, as adults, in various social spheres continues.